Sunday, 7 June 2015

And first place goes to ...

Check out the latest leaderboard for the Lambeth Maths Contest. Well done 5 Red for holding the top spot since last Friday. Remember the competition is about accuracy before speed and the questions will get harder as you keep going.
Keep playing, we want to keep moving up the leaderboard! 


  1. I would of took my time if I knew that if you get a question wrong it counts as doing a question but takes a score away!

  2. This amazing miss were first wow!!!!!!!

  3. Congrats to yr5 blue for winning but our class did do our best trying to win. Although most of us didn't really focus on the accuracy, we just played the games.

  4. I tried my best to work as hard as i can to answer all the questions right, but the equations questions put me off.

  5. My class came 10th

  6. Mory yr3 blue6/17/2015 1:33 pm

    I got 801 correct.

  7. Wooooo we worked really hard to stay top. It's a shame 5 blue did a last minute sprint and beat us in the last couple of hours
